2019, Number 4
Resolution for minimum access in anal extrusion of peritoneal ventricle shunt catheter
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 562-567
PDF size: 335.66 Kb.
Introduction: there are multiple complications of peritoneal ventricle shunt, including infection of the shunt, obstruction and disconnection, are the most frequent. On the other hand, cerebrospinal fluid pseudo cyst, inguinal hernia, hydrocele and intestinal perforation are rare.Objective: to describe a laparoscopic surgery as a method of treatment of anal catheter extrusion as a complication of peritoneal ventricular bypass.
Case report: a patient with a neurosurgery because of a cholesteatoma of the clivus, to which a peritoneal ventricle derivation is made due to a hydrocephalus secondary to the compression of the floor of the third ventricle, by the suprasellar growth of the lesion. The patient came to the Neurosurgery Service because of extrusion of the distal end of the catheter through the anus. After confirming this complication through colonoscopy, laparoscopic surgery was performed to remove the extruded end.
Conclusions: the patient evolved without post-surgical complications and was discharged from the hospital. Minimal access surgery offers advantages over laparotomy in the resolution this complication.
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