2019, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2019; 10 (3)
Implementation of the interventive strategy for the functional recovery of viso-motorized coordination in the Adult Cerebral Paralysis
Crespo MMC, Morales CL, Gómez PR, Pulido AJ, Torres AM, González TF
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 40-57
PDF size: 664.41 Kb.
Introduction: visual motor coordination involves the exercise of controlled and deliberate movements that require precision. In adults with neurological disorders the succession of perfectly ordered and structured movements that allow a better control and mastery of vision-motor movement are affected, which brings with it marked difficulties in the execution directed to an end.
Objective: to describe the results achieved with the implementation of the strategy for the compensation of the deficit in visual motor coordination in the subjects investigated.
Method: the designed strategy was applied to 20 patients with an average age of 43.6 years who presented as motor defect hypertonia, tendon jerks, and anomalous positions at the distal level with a time of evolution of the disease from 6 months to 5 years. An experimental study was conducted with a period of 2 months of treatment. The Manual Coordination Test, the Manual Precision Test, the Mini-Mental State Cognitive Short Test, the initial and final hand function scale were compared by comparing the results of functional assessments and manual skills.
Results: in all of the studied, a better precision in visual motor coordination was achieved, greater ability to reproduce visually presented patterns, as well as better ability to recognize the features of a design and repeat it from a model.
Conclusions: the strategy implemented had a positive influence on the recovery of lost skills, there being a correspondence between the percentage of improvement and the level of injury.
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