2019, Number 3
Incidents of fetal renal congenital malformations diagnosed by two-dimensional ultrasonography
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: Congenital malformations, as primary structural defects of an organ, part of it or larger areas of the organism, result from an inherent alteration in development, which is evident from the physical examination of the fetus and the newborn, before or after birth, when the functional defect of an anatomically affected internal organ becomes apparent.Objective: To characterize fetal renal congenital malformations diagnosed by two-dimensional ultrasonography during 2015 and 2016.
Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study was conducted at the Provincial Center of Medical Genetics in Santiago de Cuba. The sample was selected by simple random method for a total of 59 pregnant women (34 from 2015 and 25 from 2016). They were diagnosed with some type of embryo-fetal renal congenital malformation.
Results: The congenital renal malformation that predominated was hydronephrosis, followed by polycystic kidney. In the morphological findings by echocardiography, renal parenchymal conditions predominated. Male fetal sex had the highest incidence. The gestational age where renal conditions affected pregnant women was 25 weeks and more, with maternal age ranging 20 and 35 years, without reporting genetic factors. Smoking and diabetes were the external risk factors of maternal origin that most affected high blood pressure.
Conclusions: The main ultrasonographic morphological findings of the different types of congenital renal malformations found were shown, as well as the different risk factors present in pregnant women. A predominance of pregnant women at early age with hydronephrosis was observed as the most common type of congenital malformation.
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