2019, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2019; 45 (3)
Ozone therapy in patients with acute pelvic inflammatory disease Stage III
Urgellés CSA, Aguilar AL, Reyes GE, Álvarez FM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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Introduction: Ozone therapy is a therapeutic procedure that has proven to be effective in the treatment of different diseases. It has effects such as bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal and parasiticidal, so pelvic inflammatory disease is tributary to this treatment.
Objective: To determine the evolution of patients with ovarian tube abscess, treated with ozone therapy associated with conventional treatment.
Methods: Observational, longitudinal, prospective study. Evolution of patients diagnosed with ovarian tube abscess was determined, who were treated with ozone therapy associated with conventional treatment from March 2014 to March 2018. The universe was constituted by patients admitted with the institution. The sample selection was randomized, and 63 cases in two study groups made up the sample. Group I (ozone therapy was administered), and Group II (no ozone therapy was administered).
Results: At 7 days of ozone treatment, erythrosedimentation remained high above 3 figures in 41.9% of the patients, and 35.4% had pelvic pain in group I; in contrast to group II that maintained erythrosedimentation elevated in 75%, and 53.1% had pain. A month after the treatment, a decrease in the size of the ultrasound tumor was observed in 61.2% of the patients in group I, and 34.3% in group II.
Conclusions: Patients treated with ozone therapy had pelvic mass reduction and faster remission of clinical symptoms and complementaries, than those who did not receive this treatment alternative.
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