2020, Number 1
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2020; 10 (1)
Influence of oral habits on the myofunctional orofacial profile of children aged three to five years-old
dos Santos BRA, Carminatti M, Carneiro A, Pinto ABL, Gomes E
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 13-23
PDF size: 421.86 Kb.
Objective: Verify the influence of oral habits on miofunctional orofacial profile of children aged three to five years-old.
Material and methods: This cross sectional study included 73 children which underwent the application of validated protocol for evaluation of their myofunctional orofacial functions and a questionnaire about their oral habits.
A significance level of 5% was set for the statistical analysis.
Results: The Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation with Scores (OMES) total sum was 91.6+5.4 points (CI95%= 90.3 – 92.9), with a minimum of 75 and maximum of 100 points. A significant association was identified between bottle-feeding (p=0.014) and pacifier (p‹0.001) with respect to phonoarticulatory organs’ appearance and posture, pacifier use and breathing (p=0.04) and swallowing functions (p=0.006); the use of objects in the mouth and the chewing function (p=0.001); oral breathing, phonoarticulatory organs’ appearance and posture (p‹0.001) and swallowing function (p=0.002). Besides, being breastfed for a longer time modified phonoarticulatory organs’ appearance and posture (p=0.001) and breathing function (p=0.005).
Conclusion: Feeding habits, Latinoamericanaplying with solid external objects in the mouth, pacifier use and mouth breathing were associated with changes in articulatory organs’ appearance and posture, as well as, stomatognathic functions.
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