2019, Number 4
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Vet Mex 2019; 6 (4)
Cow-calf management practices in Mexico: Farm organization and infrastructure
González-Padilla E, Lassala A, Pedernera M, Gutiérrez CG
Language: English/Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 179.66 Kb.
Beef cattle breeding has developed in extensive grazing systems in Mexico,
concerning the livelihood of over one million families and affecting the use
of natural resources. The diversity of climate, region, land tenure, herd size
and poverty level potentially influence livestock farming. To detect areas of
opportunity in the use of human, animal and natural resources, and to determine
the degree of technological penetration, a structured questionnaire
was administered as personal interviews to 3280 producers. Over 50% of
farmers have an activity other than cattle breeding, mostly raising crops and
other livestock. Weaned calves, primarily destined for the national market,
are the foremost commercial product. Nevertheless, 20% of farmers in the
northern region export their calves. European X Zebu crossbred cattle are
widespread (over 45% of operations), followed by Bos taurus taurus breeds
(22%). Criollo and predominantly Zebu cattle are present in <15% of farms,
and dairy breeds in <5%. Over 70% of producers declared to select animal
breed based on productive traits and adaptability, even though only
52% have record-keeping systems. The customary method to register data is
hand-written, and < 7% of producers use computers. Recorded information
comprises data on reproduction (59.1%), calves (44%), herd health practices
(32%) and purchases and sales (28%). Over 95% of farmers identify
animals by hot iron marks and National Individual Livestock Identification
System (SINIIGA) ear tags. Close to 52% of animal breeders do not receive
technical advice. Finally, according to producers, the main constraints for farm
growth and profitability were lack of access to credit, followed by low market
value of their products and insufficient infrastructure.
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