2019, Number 22
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Rev Tame 2019; 7.8 (22)
Dientes supernumerarios asociados a síndromes
Feregrino-Vejar L, Castillo-Carmona IG, Rojas-García AR
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 899-903
PDF size: 186.45 Kb.
Supernumerary teeth are those that are additional to the normal complement and may occur in any region of the dental arch, they are more common in men than in women. They may occur singly or multiply, normal or altered morphology. Their a etiology is still not clearly understood, and can be classified by number, morphology and location, as well as being associated with syndromes or not. These cause various complications in the dental arch, as diastema, cysts, delayed eruption of permanent teeth, among others; so it is necessary to make a good diagnosis and treatment plan. The objective of the present review is to present the syndromes in which often occur supernumerary teeth.
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