2019, Number 3
Targets of the systemic inflammatory response from new perspectives
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 655-669
PDF size: 345.10 Kb.
Introduction: There are diseases that have in their basics, the inflammatory response, is it possible to identify the target that frames the deleterious effect of the inflammatory response?Objective: To analyze the manifestations of the systemic inflammatory response and its consequences in morbidity and mortality.
Methods: A search was performed, mainly in SciElo, with the key words: systemic inflammatory response, multiple organ damage, inflammatory response and their combinations; in Spanish language. A narrative review is presented based on the analysis of the documents obtained.
Body: The defensive mechanisms in an uncontrolled way, produce self-aggression of the vascular endothelium. The response is accompanied by systemic immune failure and reactivity problems in the inflammatory response. Vascular endothelial injury, increased oxygen consumption, elevated cytokines in the circulation, activation of the coagulation cascade and vasoactive mediators have an influence on this response. Intestinal ischemia, secondary to abdominal compartment syndrome, is a direct cause of bacterial translocation. Persistent inflammation, associated with an intense catabolic process, leads to cachexia and immunosuppression.
Conclusion: There are multiple targets that are activated in the systemic inflammatory response, which explain their imbalance: vascular endothelial dysfunction and microcirculation, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, cell cytoprotection. There may be a point of convergence in the need for early diagnosis of this dis-reactive response and in its attempt at timely modulation.
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