2019, Number 3
Students' perception about the sexuality like thematic curricular in the medicine career
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 597-611
PDF size: 280.76 Kb.
Introduction: Cuba is a country with advances in education and health, but there are insufficiencies in the preparation of human resources to respond the needs of education, health, and sexual rights. The University Of Medical Sciences Of Havana has made modifications of its programs according to the current requirements.Objectives: To describe the perception of students about sexuality, the contents received in the curricular program of medical career and it needs.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional observational study was conducted, from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, on 33 5th year medical students from the Institute of Basic and Preclinical Sciences Victoria de Girón, who rotated for Psychiatry between March and April 2017. Were selected all the students who attended the course in that period, who gave their informed consent and completed the information requested. Empirical and theoretical methods of analysis were used.
Results: 66.67% of the respondents considered that they had received contents of sexuality in the career and 93.93% that the subject was important. Promiscuity and unprotected sex were perceived problems.
Conclusions: The majority of the students perceived that they can guide, but they found difficulties for the diagnosis of sexual problems. In general, the subject of sexuality is scarcely studied from a gender and pleasure perspective.
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