2019, Number 3
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2019; 48 (3)
Impact of overweight and obesity on maternal and perinatal morbidity
Segura FAB, León CI, Sotolongo XD, Guillén SE
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 546-559
PDF size: 400.51 Kb.
Introduction: Currently obesity is one of the fastest growing pandemics in the world, which leads to an increase in maternal and perinatal morbidity.
Objective: To determine the impact of overweight and obesity on maternal and perinatal morbidity.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The universe was constituted by all the pregnant women, whose delivery occurred in the Central Military Hospital "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto", from 2013 to 2016. The pregnant women were classified according to the body mass index performed in the first trimester of pregnancy in normal weight, overweight and obese.
Results: We included 2074 cases, 57.18% normal weight, 23.96% overweight and 18.85% obese. Pregnant women with overweight and obesity had more complications during pregnancy than normal-weight pregnant women, due to gestational diabetes, hypertensive disease, preterm delivery and anemia. The rate of primitive caesarean section was higher in patients with excess weight, motivated by the induction failure and the unstable fetal state.
Conclusions: Excess weight in pregnancy was observed with high frequency and was associated with higher morbidity, particularly with respect to gestational diabetes, hypertensive disorders, preterm delivery and anemia. Caesarean section was the most frequent delivery way in these cases, motivated by the failure of induction and the unstable fetal state.
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