2019, Number 3
Curricular evaluation of an own course of the curriculum D of the career of Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 532-545
PDF size: 243.86 Kb.
Introduction: In the academic year 2014-2015, the study program D was started in the medical career and the basic course of basic cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation is taught.Objectives: To describe the results of the internal curricular evaluation or self-evaluation of the own course taught and to propose modifications to the accredited institutional program.
Methods: Qualitative and quantitative cross-sectional research was carried out in the period from September to December 2017. The curriculum evaluation questionnaire was applied, prepared by the author and validated based on expert criteria. In the instrument, students responded to 38 affirmations in relation to different aspects of the study program of the course that culminated (relevance, objectives, contents, activities of the educational teaching process, evaluation, distribution of time, resources, internal coordination, compliance with objectives and about the teaching team).
Results: The applied questionnaire showed high satisfaction with the subject, its objectives, contents, practical classes and the work of the teachers. The evaluated students consider the early insertion of the subject into the career study program and propose its re-evaluation in later years. The students assessed as insufficiencies, the distribution of time and the application of the final integrating seminar proposed in the course's certification evaluation.
Conclusions: The results supported the need to make changes and improvements in the curricular design and the accredited institutional program.
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