2020, Number 01
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2020; 88 (01)
Goals of prepartum treatment of preeclamptic patients in the intensive care unit
Vázquez-Rodríguez JG, Herrera-Escobedo I
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 14-22
PDF size: 222.98 Kb.
Objective: To know the percentage of goals achieved from the prepartum treatment
of preeclamptic pregnant patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study included 100 preeclamptic
pregnant patients admitted to the ICU of a high-specialty hospital in Mexico City. Values
before and after intensive treatment (baseline and antepartum measurement) were
compared considering nine goals: 1) mean arterial pressure ≤95 mmHg 2) central venous
pressure 6 to 10 cm water, 3) diuresis 1.5 to 2 mL/K weight/hour, 4) blood glucose ‹160
mg / dL, 5) plasma colloid osmotic pressure 24 ± 2 mmHg, 6) pH arterial blood 7.37
to 7.44, 7) hemoglobin 10 to 14 g / dL, 8) platelet count ≥100,000 platelets / µL and 9)
absent seizures. It was considered as a goal met when the antepartum measurement
was in the desired range and goal not met when it was different. Statistical analysis:
descriptive statistics and Student's t-test.
Results: Goals met absent seizures 100%, blood glucose 93%, platelet count 86%,
hemoglobin 74%, mean blood pressure 39%, diuresis 36%, pH arterial blood 30%,
central venous pressure 24% and plasma colloid osmotic pressure 11%. The overall
average was 54.77%.
Conclusions: the goals with percentage of compliance ≥70% were seizures, blood
glucose, platelet count and hemoglobin. The goals with compliance ‹70% were mean
blood pressure, diuresis, pH arterial blood, central venous pressure and plasma colloid
osmotic pressure. The evaluation by goals allows to identify the strengths and weaknesses
of the treatment of preeclampsia in the ICU.
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