2019, Number 2
Pharmaceutical care in appendectomized patients in 'Teófilo Dávila' General Hospital
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 187-201
PDF size: 293.37 Kb.
Introduction: Pharmaceutical care aims to provide assistance to the patient from the pharmacy service to detect, prevent and solve problems related to medications. Antimicrobials are part of these problems, their indiscriminate use requires taking measures to unify efforts to strengthen the knowledge of health professionals.Objective: To apply an adapted pharmacotherapeutic follow-up model in post-operative patients with acute appendicitis at the "Teófilo Dávila" General Hospital of Machala to detect problems related to medications and the quality of the prescription.
Methods: A retrospective study was carried out through the review of the medical records of 56 patients and pharmacotherapy follow-up during the period January-June 2017. Sociodemographic variables (age and sex), clinical (classification of surgery) and pharmacotherapeutic (problems related to medications, quality of prescription and pharmaceutical intervention) were used, which were statistically processed.
Results: It was found out that 60,71 % were men whose ages were from 18 to 35 years old; in addition, clean-contaminated surgeries represented 44,64 % of the process. In addition, seven schemes of treatments were applied in order to determine antibiotic prophylaxis on ceftriaxon (46,42 %). Moreover, changes on treatments (30,36 %) were made in unjustified cases. It was detected that 43 Problems Related of Medications under the predominance of PRM3 (48,84 %) and PRM6 (51,16 %) and 76,79 % of the prescriptions made followed inadequate procedures.
Conclusions: The creation of a pharmaceutical follow-up model allowed identifying Problems Related of Medications on surgery procedures. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to include it into current medical practices.
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