2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2019; 38 (2)
Biomechanics of 22-gauge air pistol shooting in Pichincha athletes, both sexes
Viñachi GGF
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 195-209
PDF size: 291.09 Kb.
Introduction: Pistol shooting is a sport where the technical component is essential in high sporting performance. Therefore, biomechanical studies make it possible to determine the scope and limitations of motor movement in order to enhance the shot effectiveness.
Objective: To compare some biomechanical indicators for pistol shooting technique in both sexes’ athletes into Pichincha, taking into account physical characteristics and results obtained in various competitions.
Methods: Eleven pistol-shooting athletes (4 women and 7 men) were studied through a technical analysis of postural aspect and movements made in shot execution. The movements were analyzed with Kinovea program, studying the variables initial and final opening angles of arm, gravity center & head and trunk angles with respect to gravity center.
Results: A positive linear correlation of strong character was established, because the smaller arm angle to target the greater the subject height (r = 0,894) on X axis, and a moderate positive correlation (r = 0,324) in Y axis. The comparison of biomechanical variables between sexes only showed significant differences in score indicator (p = 0.006), although there were variations in average ranges to be taken into account for comprehensive analysis in technical performance to both sexes.
Conclusions: Given that sports performance has a multifactorial character, it was considered to take into account the potentials achieved in this study and other studies consulted, to improve the shooter effectiveness to according individual characteristics and sex studied.
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