2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2019; 38 (2)
Results, difficulties and psychological reflections for future generations of high-performance athletes
Dopico PHM, Fernández TI, León QXP, Chávez CE, Zavala PMJ, Mon LD
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 72-84
PDF size: 268.53 Kb.
Introduction: The present study is a theoretical-psychological analysis intended for future generations of high-performance athletes, with the purpose of contributing a number of psychopedagogical actions used for the psychological preparation of youth sports athletes from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Objective: Contribute some results from the psychological preparation of athletes members of selections from Yaracuy State in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, including the main difficulties found during preparation for the national games.
Methods: A random study was conducted of a representative sample of 549 athletes (54.19 %; population 1 013) from Yaracuy State in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, applying various internationally validated questionnaires to determine personality, motivation, interpersonal relationships, development of volitional activities, pre-start, load assimilation, recreational activities, and relaxation and reflection activities.
Results: Deficiencies were found which included low self-esteem (79.6 %), excessive respect for opponents (65.1 %), medium and low motivation (32.6 % and 36.5 %, respectively), lack of psychological rapport between the athletes and the coach (95 %), lack of discipline among established athletes (79.4 %), and poor volitional qualities (68.4 %), among others.
Conclusions: The diagnosis performed leads to effective application of methods and means for both training and competitions, designing psychopedagogical recommendations and interventions specifically geared to self-confidence, excessive respect for opponents, motivation, lack of psychological rapport, discipline and volitional efforts. Notable progress was observed in the sports undergoing intervention in preparation for the national games.
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