2019, Number 1
Clinical and electrophysiological correlation in patient with optic neuritis
Language: English
References: 12
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 245.39 Kb.
A descriptive and traverse study was performed in patients with diagnosis of optic neuritis, that attended to the neuro ophthalmology service of the ophthalmological center, at the Santiago General Hospital "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso ", from the province of Santiago de Cuba, with less than a week of evolution of the disease, and visual acuity greater than 0.3, cooperatives and without refractive opacities, or neuro ophthalmologic diseases, during the period from December 2017 to November 2018. Ophthalmological clinical evaluations and electrophysiological studies of visual evoked potentials to pattern reversal, at diagnosis and eight weeks of evolution were carried out.Objective: To identify the relationship possible between the electrophysiological parameters obtained by visual evoked potentials with the ophthalmological clinical evaluation.
Results: alterations predominantly of the parameters of latency and duration of the visual evoked potentials, in relation to the impairment of the clinical evaluations explored.
Conclusions: The visual evoked potentials are an effective tool in diagnosis, and complement the clinical evaluation of patients with optic neuritis.
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Gómez-Hurtado Cubillana A, Merino Suárez M, Piñero Llorens D, LariaOchaíta C, Pérez-Cambrodí RJ. Neuritis óptica en la población pediátrica. Acta Estrabológica .2013 [citado 12 Mar 2016];42(2). Disponible en: https://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/36995/1/2013_Gomez-Hurtado_etal_ActaEstrabologica.pdf