2019, Number 1
Characterization of domestic violence in Cuban dysfunctional couples
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 285.58 Kb.
Introduction: Violence reaches the category of epidemics in many countries. Its records are minimal when it occurs in the daily life of a home or in the context of a couple’s relationship.Objective: To characterize domestic violence in Cuban dysfunctional couples.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in "Ana Betancourt" Policlinic, in Havana City during 2017. The sample group was formed by 43 couples. A questionnaire was applied to the 30 couples chosen by selection criteria and the alternative of response to each item was chosen by agreement between the parties.
Results: Psychological abuse was found in 60% of the couples and combined abuse in 40%. In both modalities, the totality noted that punishment occurred on six or more occasions during the last year, and the male figure was the perpetrator in more than half of the times, which, 33.3% was under the effect of alcohol. The totality almost always referred disputes at home and stated negotiation was never used to try to solve disputes; 43.3% noted the affective relationships of precarious quality as the main factor of family risk associated with the current pattern of domestic violence.
Conclusions: Violence was detected in all couples. Psychological abuse predominated. The authoritarian style prevailed in the couple's relationship. As a result of violent behaviour both spouses are physically and mentally damaged.
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