2019, Number 1
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2019; 22 (1)
Detection and molecular identification of Pantoea vagans in flowers of Dahlia sp.
Lara-Cortés E, Bautista-Baños S, Barrera-Necha LL, Hernández-Zárate G, León-Rodríguez R
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 543.33 Kb.
Dahlias (
Dahlia spp.) are flowers native to Mesoamerica and endemic to Mexico. Its consumption as food is an ancient
practice, at present there is little health information and regulation for its marketing and consumption. The objective of
the study was to identify enteric bacteria associated morphologically, biochemically and molecularly with Dahlia flowers.
The results of the morphological characterization revealed the predominance of short Gram-negative bacilli. From the
observation of colonial morphology in selective and differential culture media
Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp.
were identified. However, the use of an automated commercial method classifieds them as
Enterobacter cancerogenus.
Due to the fact that the two tests used gave different results when identifying the isolated microorganism, the findings
were inconclusive. Therefore molecular characterization was used to identify the bacterial isolate. Thus, the predominant
bacterium in Dahlia flowers was
Pantoea vagans (Access Number CP002206. 1). This is the first report of
vagans isolated from Dahlia flowers.
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