2019, Number 3
Theory grounded on Data as a research alternative for addressing care in the Cuban nursing
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 197.22 Kb.
Introduction: The science of nursing, in its evolution towards an approach that generates new knowledge, debates itself within the use of one or multiple paradigms or the creation of a unified paradigm in relation to advances in epistemology. In this respect, the use of the qualitative paradigm and, specifically, the application of the theory grounded on data as a research method would constitute an alternative to investigation in Cuban nursing.Objective: To investigate the theory grounded on data as a qualitative research method that allows strengthening the meaning of the phenomena related to professional care in Cuban nursing as a social object of the profession.
Methods: A literature review was carried out; 23 documents were found: doctoral dissertations and master's degrees thesis, original and reviews articles, which addressed or applied qualitative studies, published between 1996 and 2018. The search was conducted from April to June 2018 in the databases SciELO, EBSCO, Redalyc and Google Scholar. The descriptors used in Spanish and English were enfermería [nursing], enfermería/cuidados de enfermería [nursing/nursing cares], teoría fundamentada [grounded theory], identified through the DECs and the MeSH with the use of logical operators.
Conclusions: The use of the theory grounded on data in qualitative research developed by Cuban nursing is poorly addressed, its use would lead to the strengthening of the phenomena related to professional care in the different areas of the nursing activity.
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