2019, Number 3
Nursing activity in family doctor's and nurse's offices of Havana
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-28
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Introduction: It is unknown if the nursing staff of the family doctor's and nurse's office fulfills the assigned activities, or how they consume the resources.Objective: To describe the activities and resources consumed by the nursing staff of the family doctor's and nurse's office.
Methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive research. All the family doctor's and nurse's offices belonging to three outpatient polyclinics of Diez de Octubre Municipality were studied in 2016. Six indicators of activities and four of resources were used. The median, average, minimum, maximum were used, and tests were applied to compare means and proportions.
Results: In two of the three outpatient polyclinics, less than half of the medical offices fulfilled the follow-up of the maternal and child program (median 67.69% and 36.25%), none complied with the follow-up of special groups (median 46.02% and 38.38%), or to patients with chronic diseases (median 17.46% and 1.92%) or with communicable diseases (median 0.00%). Only for one outpatient polyclinic all the medical offices fulfilled the vaginal cytology (median 117,16). The highest expenditure was in human resources and similar among the units (10122.44 CUP to 10997.29 CUP).
Conclusions: The medical office running was uneven. Although there were family doctor's and nurse's offices that fulfilled most of the planned activities with expenses similar or less than the rest, in others, the work was well below what was established, although with expenses equal to or greater than the rest.
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