2019, Number 3
Characterization of hypertensive patients from Chambo-Rioamba Health District
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 221.01 Kb.
Introduction: High blood pressure affects individual health worldwide. In Chambo-Riobamba Health District of Ecuador, there was an increase in the number of hypertensive adults.Objective: To describe the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of hypertensive adult and elderly patients treated in health centers of Chambo-Riobamba Health District, Ecuador.
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive research carried out in the area of influence of Chambo-Riobamba Health District, Ecuador, between November 2017 and March 2018. The study population consisted of 287 individuals with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension reported by the health centers; the sample was made up by 188 patients and determined by non-probabilistic sampling. The questionnaire "Scale of quality of life and patient satisfaction" was used.
Results: The sociodemographic characteristics observed in this population show a predominance of individuals aged between 65 and 79 years (42.56%), the feminine gender (69.15%), the Catholic religion (82.46%), the mestizo ethnic group (76.07%), the married marital status (48.40%), the coexistence with his/her spouse (42.02%), the level of basic education (47.35%), and the profession of housewife (43.62%).
Conclusions: The rank of hypertensive elderlies prevailed, with female sex, the Catholic religion, the mixed race self-identification, married marital status and basic education level. The clinical features mostly referred to were vision problems, edema in the lower limbs, headache, tiredness, dizziness, heart failure, arthritis, and joint pain. The modifiable risk factors observed were exposure to toxic habits, such as coffee, and tobacco and alcohol consumption.
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