2020, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (1)
Body fat percentage in adolescent among eating risk behaviors, home and sex
Sánchez-Zamorano LM, Flores-Sánchez G, Lazcano-Ponce E
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 60-71
PDF size: 347.93 Kb.
Objective. To determine the association of risky eating
behaviors and the home with the percentage of body fat in
adolescents, modified by gender.
Materials and methods.
We analyzed the information of a cohort of 2 388 adolescents
from Morelos in Mexico, from 2004 to 2007. Descriptive
techniques and multiple linear regression models of mixed
effects were performed.
Results. The change in body fat
percentage (PGC) is -1.4 percentage points, in men -3.1, in
women 0.2. The change of the PGC in relation to CAR’s and
the household is different by sex. The multiple model shows
that diet is associated with an increase in PGC (1.25 IC95%
0.68-1.83) in women, in men of 1.74 (95% CI 0.60-2.88). In
relation with the family, women show a positive relationship
with the increase in the percentage of body fat according
to whether they feel that their family does not love them
sometimes or never (value p of trend ‹0.001), men show in
the variable “Satisfied with the help your family receives”, a
marginal association.
Conclusions. Performing a diet without
supervision is associated with an increase in the PGC,
giving an effect contrary to what is desired. This is associated
with family relationships, and is different between sex.
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