2018, Number 4
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Rev cubana med 2018; 57 (4)
Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome sue to biopercular infarction with cardioembolic mechanism
Fernández CL, Miranda HJL, Valhuerdi PC, Colomina EK, Biart VA, Méndez CR
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 273.01 Kb.
Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome or biopercular syndrome was described as a lip-facio-pharyngo-laryngeal-glosso-chewing diplegia, with automatic dissociation of movement. Patients with this syndrome have speech impairment (dysarthria or anarthria), dysphagia and cannot open their mouths, close their eyelids or protrude their tongue freely, but they can smile, cry and yawn spontaneously. The most frequent etiology in adulthood is ischemic, at the bilateral opercular level. We report a clinical case of a female patient with ischemic cerebrovascular disease of the right middle cerebral artery with pseudobulbar paralysis, hemorrhagic conversion by cardioembolic mechanism, and swallowing disorder. She evolved favorably.
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