2019, Number 4
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Arch Med Fam 2019; 21 (4)
Practical SOBARMFA idealism: blueprint for caring. AN experience of 20 years
Rozenfeld LM, Moreto G, Janaudis MA, Craice BMA
Language: Portugués
References: 8
Page: 133-139
PDF size: 191.59 Kb.
Thtoughout the existence of SOBRAMFA , a learning balance process between ideal and real has been built in a unpredictable world. In a daily teamwork for 20 years of challenges in clinical practice caring for patients and families. The fact that we have somehow reached and realizes our values and principals in real life drove us to broaden our dream of replicating in other programs, with others persons and contexts.
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McWhinney IR. Textbook of Family Medicine. 2nd. ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 1997.
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Clark, D. (1999) An annotated bibliography of the publications of Cicely Saunders – 2: 1968–77. Palliative Medicine, 13(6), pp. 485-501. (doi:10.1191/026921699677249209)
Blasco PG. O médico de família hoje. São Paulo: SOBRAMFA1997.