2019, Number 1
Proximal chemical analysis of Krameria erecta from the Sonora State
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1-12
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The southern cósahui (Krameria erecta) is a perennial shrub found in the arid and semi-arid zones of the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Baja California North. For being a plant desirable for domestic and wild animals, the nutritional value of Krameria erecta was determined, located in a type of scrub arbosufrutescente of the State of Sonora, evaluating the collection of four seasons of the year, in four sites of 2,500 m2 each. The results show that there are significant differences between the times of collection in the crude protein content (7.46 to 13.42%). The ethereal extract contents were different between the collection sites and the season (p ‹0.05), on the other hand they also presented significant differences between collection season and sites (p‹0.05) in dry matter with 71.2 to 87.3%, except in winter and spring, in the same way there were significant differences in humidity (12.7 to 28.8%), in ashes there were significant differences in the time of collection (p‹0.05) from 7.41 to 13.3%, with respect to raw fiber differences were shown significant at the time of collection but not between the sites with 23.78 to 32.82%, in calcium there was no significant difference between the collection of summer, autumn and winter with values of 0.05 to 1.33% and phosphorus also presented significant differences between the collection time (p‹0.05) but not between the sites with 0.06 to 0.09%.REFERENCES
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