2017, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2017; 33 (1)
Divergences and convergences between nurses' care and other professionals' care
Roggia PD, Stein BD, Stein BM, Tomaschewski-Barlem JG, Devos BEL, Porto GD
Language: Portugués
References: 16
Page: 52-61
PDF size: 64.21 Kb.
Introduction: The expanded nursing care can provide an understanding of the
issues surrounding the care of others and the environment in which it is inserted, to
value the uniqueness and plurality of human beings in an attempt to develop a
mandatory and consistent care to the emerging needs.
Objective: Knowing what differences and approaches there are between nurses'
care and other health professionals' care, in the perspective of complexity.
Methods: It is a qualitative research, carried out with seven nurse-teachers of a
nursing school from central Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected in
November and December 2011, through the technique of focus group, from three
meetings, systematized with theme which considered the objective of this study.
Discursive text analysis was used for data analysis.
Results: Was found that the nurse develops an expanded care differently from the
punctual care of other professionals, besides being articulator and integrator of the
Conclusion: the nurse is capable of develop an expanded care, which is
contextualized and focused on the needs of the users.
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