2019, Number 2
Multifunction splint in an adult patient
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 109.09 Kb.
Introduction: Sleep bruxism, a parafunctional habit affecting more than 20% of the general population, causes disorders in the stomatognathic system and the rest of the body. Its multicausality makes its diagnosis, control and treatment difficult, particularly when it is associated with mouth breathing. Devices have been created which may be used for the treatment of either condition separately, but therapy becomes more complicated when the two are present.Objective: Verify the effectiveness of a multifunction splint for the treatment of sleep bruxism associated with mouth breathing.
Clinical case: A male 42-year-old patient with a history of recurrent pharyngitis and adenoid hypertrophy presents at the temporomandibular disorders service of Raúl González Sánchez Dental School and reports tightening of his jaws during sleep and facial muscle pain upon awakening. Anamnesis, intraoral and extraoral clinical examination, and various clinical maneuvers reveal symptoms of centric sleep bruxism combined with mouth breathing.
Conclusions: Placement of a multifunction splint reduced the symptoms that had prompted the patient to attend consultation.
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