2019, Number 1
Staged training system in Medical Education at Holguín University of Medical Sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-19
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Introduction: Professional, pedagogical and scientific improvement of the faculty is the responsibility of the higher education centers. The definition of a staged system of training that allows the achievement of this process will pave the way to academic excellence. Medical education is responsible for the pedagogical preparation of its faculty and thus for the increase in the quality of the educational process.Objective: To characterize the outcomes obtained from the application of the staged system of training in medical education at Holguin University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: The descriptive study allowed the application of theoretical and empirical methods for collecting data of interest regarding the training process of the faculty.
Results: The outcomes of the certificated staged system in medical education were shown, from the basic course to the proposal of doctoral subjects in this field, passing through the diploma course and the master's degree course. The methodological teaching preparation, the scientific production, the elaboration of research projects in the pedagogical area, and the motivation to move to scientific degrees were highlighted. The collaboration outcomes and the constant improvement of the programs and principles that govern the system were.
Conclusions: The preparation in the area of medical education, through a system of staged training, assumed by Holguin University of Medical Sciences, shows relevant outcomes in the preparation of teachers to face the educational process and contribute with the professional required by the society.
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