2019, Number 1
Experiences acquired by Gynaecology and Obstetrics residents regarding delivery obstetrics instrumentation
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 271.31 Kb.
Introduction: Obstetricians have always tried to hold the fetus head as safely as possible to accelerate delivery and reduce the women’s difficult work. The history of usage of obstetric instruments to facilitate labor (whether forceps or spatulas) is a colorful and particular passage in the history of medicine.Objectives: To identify the residents’ acquired experience regarding the obstetric instrumentation, for which we decided to determine their received practical theoretical training.
Methods: In order to meet the proposed objectives, we reviewed the system of contents for the Gynecology residence and, thereafter, we selected the aspects regarding the subject under study. Results: The results obtained from the surveys conducted and the data provided by the training professors and the review of delivery books contributed to the residents’ level of learning.
Conclusions: The students show delay in the apprehension of knowledge regarding obstetric instrumentation.
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Sedano M, Sedano C, Sedano R. Reseña histórica e hitos de la obstetricia. Rev. Med. Clínica Las Condes [Internet] 2014 [citado 25 marzo 2017];25(6)[Aprox. 7 p.]. Disponible en: http://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-revista-medica-clinica-las-condes-202-articulo-resena-historica-e-hitos-obstetricia-S0716864014706327