2019, Number 3
Sudden death in serious patients hospitalized in an Unit of Cares Intermissions
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Introduction: The heart sudden death is characterized by a collapse or secondary sudden heart unemployment to heart arrhythmias, in people with or without cardiac illness.Objectives: To describe the incidence of the sudden death in serious sick persons and their relationship with the factors of cardiovascular risk and to identify the causal load of the predictive factors in the development of the heart stop.
Method: Applied and explanatory study (of the observational type, analytic of cohort)was carried out in 85 patients that entered in the Unit of Cares Intermissions of the “Saturnino Lora” Hospital, from march 2014 to december 2017.
Results: There was a prevalence in men (68,2%), in 65 year-old ages and more (45,9%). The pulmonary thromboembolism the diagnosis that represented the main cause of sudden death was (63,5%) and it associated as main causal factor of the same one. The asystole was the arrhythmia documented with more frequency in these sick persons (48,2%).
Conclusions: This entity prevailed in patient of advanced age, highlighting that, the pulmonary thromboembolism was the diagnosis with more unfavorable effect on the state of the sick person’s health causing them the sudden death in asystole.
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