2019, Number 5
Lymphoid hyperplasia of small intestine in immune-depressed student
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 670-680
PDF size: 661.99 Kb.
Background: the intestinal affection is key sign of the immunodeficiency. It usually presents a mal-absorption disorder and diarrhea, with intestinal lymphoid nodular hyperplasia. The importance of the study of this entity resides in that it should be detected in precocious stages because these patients are more susceptible to present neoplasias of small bowel.Objective: to present the case of a student with chronic diarrheas, energy protein malnutrition and immunodeficiency like manifestations of nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of small intestine.
Case report: patient of nine years, masculine, with history of chronic diarrheas and malnutrition. For these clinical symptoms he is remitted to Gastroenterology consultation.
Conclusions: the nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of small bowel should be suspected in pediatric patients with syndrome of intestinal mal-absorption. Clinical improvement of the digestive manifestations, of the state of immunity, and nutritional recovery was observed.
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