2019, Number 05
Quality of medications prescription in stomatological emergencies visits
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 892-905
PDF size: 888.22 Kb.
Introduction: The prescription of medications is adjuvant in the surgical treatments during the stomatological clinical practice, it is characterized to be punctual and in most of the cases of short duration. In visits carried out to the stomatological emergencies departments from Santiago de Cuba municipality, it was observed that in the therapeutic medications applied dipirone, ibuprofeno and amoxicilin prescriptions prevailed.Objective: To evaluate the quality of medications prescription in stomatological emergencies visits.
Methods: A study for the use of prescription-indication medications, with elements of the therapeutic scheme and of the factors that condition the prescription habits was carried out in 3 stomatological emergency services belonging to teaching and assistance institutions in Santiago de Cuba municipality, from January to December, 2017. The universe was constituted by 94 prescriptors and 282 users of medications. Dimensions such as structure, process and result were evaluated, for which criteria, indicators and standards were established.
Results: This study revealed scarce knowledge of the prescriptors regarding the main pharmacological aspects of the prescribed medications, inadequate performance during the prescription, dissatisfaction of them with the service that they provided and of the users regarding the received care.
Conclusions: In a general way, the quality of the medications prescription in the stomatological emergency visits was evaluated as inadequate.
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