2019, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación 2019; 18 (1)
Tracheomalacia: a complication after removal of bilateral endothoracic diffuse goiter
Abad HRM, Villarreal ERR, Aragón PL, Campos JJ, Laguardia ML
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 154.95 Kb.
Introduction: In surgery of the thyroid gland, mortality is null in some series, so
morbidity is the surgeon's greatest concern.
Objective: To present the clinical evolution of a patient with total thyroidectomy due to
bilateral endothoracic goiter.
Clinical case: This patient underwent total thyroidectomy due to bilateral endothoracic
goiter, technically difficult, negative freeze biopsy of malignancy, colloid goiter.
Visualized recurrent nerves. Due to the size of the gland and how complex the extraction
was, it was decided to transfer the patient to the intubated and ventilated recovery room to
proceed with the recovery of spontaneous ventilation and extubation in a longer period.
She was extubated the first time it failed. She was re-intubated and it occurred on a second
occasion after being re-operated due to a possible hematoma of the wound. In the
preoperative CT scan, a large thyroid gland with bilateral endothoracic prolongation and
high stenosis of the trachea was observed.
Conclusion: Complications of airway obstruction after thyroidectomy are not frequent.
Generally, after a total or partial thyroidectomy, it is a matter of recovering the patient in
the operating room, in order to perform, after extubation, a laryngoscopy to rule out
paralysis of the vocal cords. Tracheomalacia as a complication after thyroidectomy is not
frequent, so it is warned that failure to diagnose and treat the patient quickly could have a
fatal outcome.
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