2019, Number 5
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2019; 40 (5)
Physical-motor development pattern in 9-14 years old children from a Cuban municipality
Sancesario-Pérez LA, Romero-Esquivel RJ, Núñez-Aliaga F
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 256-266
PDF size: 324.04 Kb.
Background: Many studies on the local population of Buey Arriba, Cuba, have revealed
trends of growth and body development different from the rest of the country,
such as a lower average height.
Objective: To identify population patterns of physical-motor development in children
aged 9-14 years old.
Materials and Methods: An observational, cross-sectional, and correlational study
was conducted in children aged 9-14 years old, to consider the possible existence of
patterns of physical-motor development associated with physical abilities flexibility,
endurance, strength and speed, living in the municipality of Buey Arriba, Cuba. The
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Sample Adequacy Measurement, Bartlett's Sphericity and Factor
Analysis were used as statistical techniques.
Results: We selected a sample of 1409 children. Three patterns capable of explaining
a significant percent of the variance were recognized. The first presented the highest
loads in indicators related to strength and flexibility; the second, had the highest loads
in force-speed indicators; in the third, they were associated with resistance.
Conclusions: Children aged 9 to 14 in the municipality of Buey Arriba, Cuba, have
underlying patterns of physical-motor development, reflected in the dyad gene poolenvironmental
pressures, which is mainly related to patterns of strength-flexibility and
strength- speed, and to a lesser extent with resistance, perhaps because the altitude of
the municipality does not reach the threshold for the release of erythropoietin induced
by hypoxia.
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