2019, Number 4
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2019; 40 (4)
Child Neglect: A comprehensive look at its frequency and associated factors
García-Cruz AH, García-Piña CA, Orihuela-García S
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 267-273
PDF size: 395.70 Kb.
Objective: Describe the frequency of negligence and its associated risk factors in the
child and adolescent population served in CAINM.
Materials and Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study on the
frequency of childhood neglect and its associated risk factors, through a secondary
information source. We conducted an exhaustive search in the CAINM registry of the
clinical records of patients assessed for suspicion of MI during the period between 2013
and 2017. Incomplete or missed files were excluded. We identify those cases in which
the NI diagnosis was confirmed, analyzing with descriptive statistics.
Results: 281 diagnoses due to child abuse, 51% are due to neglect. Individual factors:
age group with the highest prevalence was 0 to 2 years (41%); the majority had a basic
illness or disability (67.4%), and were the result of unplanned pregnancy (68.8%).
Family factors: mothers were young (47.2%), primary caregivers (68%); single-parent
families corresponded to single mothers (83.3%); poor participation of parenting activities
(93.8%) and negative parenting habits (98.6%). Community factors the low level
of income (93%) and the labor eventuality of the parents (77.8%) were more frequent.
Conclusions: Child neglect (CN) was the most frequent type of abuse in the CAINM,
during the period studied. The most prevalent risk factors were family members, followed
by community members.
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