2019, Number 4
Visibility of the scientific production of the teachers of the University of Medical Sciences, Villa Clara
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 320-335
PDF size: 317.16 Kb.
Introduction: the dissemination of scientific knowledge happens when intellectual production reaches the user; that is, it goes beyond research work, and requires making its results visible.Objective: to characterize the scientific production of the teachers of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, from the perspective of their visibility.
Methods: a qualitative and quantitative descriptive research was carried out on the development of scientific production, during the period January-December 2017. The universe was constituted by all the scientific publications declared: 3140 (books, CD-Room, journal articles, monographs, among others).
Results: a survey was designed to ask questions related to publication practices. A total of 600 teachers were surveyed; the most represented teaching category was assistant one, 312 (52); 447 of them (74.5%), expressed having 1 to 5 publications; 238 (39.66%) published systematically as co-author and lead author interchangeably; the Virtual Health Library was the most used resource for the search of scientific research; the most published language is Spanish, 582 (97%); the journal in which they have published the most is Medicentro Electrónica, 238 (39.66%); the visibility option they have used the most is social networks, 294 (49%); and 100% of those interviewed are unaware of the institutional policy on visibility of the University.
Conclusions: the presence of articles by Cuban authors in the area of health in prestigious databases has increased in relation to the last 10 years; however, it is still insufficient, which undermines the visibility of the scientific productivity of our professionals.
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Cañedo Andalia R, Pérez Machín M, Guzmán Sánchez MV, Rodríguez LabradaI R. Aproximaciones a la visibilidad de la ciencia y la producción científica de Cuba en el sector de la salud. Acimed [internet]. ene.-mar. 2010 [citado 21 dic. 2016];21(1):[aprox. 12 p.]. Disponible en: scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1024-94352010000100004
Hernández-Ferreras K, Cárdenas-de-Baños L, Fundora-Mirabal JA, Dorta-Contreras AJ. Aspectos que influyen en la visibilidad de la producción científica de las universidades médicas cubanas. Acimed [internet]. 2012 [citado 21 dic. 2016];23(2):[aprox. 5 p.]. Disponible en: scielo.sld.cu/pdf/aci/v23n2/aci10212.pdf
Orduna-Malea E, Delgado López-Cózar E. Cómo monitorizar el impacto académico de un investigador [internet]. La Plata, Argentina: VII Conferencia Internacional sobre Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales de América Latina BIREDIAL-ISTEC’17; 2-4 oct. 2017 [citado 24 ene. 2018]. Disponible en: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Enrique_Orduna-Malea/publication/320267375_Como_monitorizar_el_impacto_academico_de_un_investigador/links/59d8ced10f7e9b12b3685fdf/Como-monitorizar-el-impacto-academico-de-un-investigador.pdf