2019, Number 4
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Rev CONAMED 2019; 24 (4)
The risks of information and communication technologies
Hernández-Pérez F
Language: Spanish
References: 102
Page: 184-199
PDF size: 154.28 Kb.
Information and communication technologies have given way to virtual spaces of socialization and have displaced face-to-face. This has generated behavioral changes in individuals, especially in young people who have been born and have developed in the time of change. The incorporation of these new technologies into the daily activity of human beings has been one of the events with the greatest social impact in the last two decades; the Internet, the smartphone, videogames and social networks have gone from being a mere instrument of interpersonal communication to become a platform of increasing complexity, which impacts the private sphere and is projected into the public sphere in conditions that are difficult to understand a few years ago. Its use generates in people different sensations related to independence, social status, security, control and leisure. However, not all are advantages; the excess and abuse of Information and communication technologies can result in behavioral alterations and can become a real risk if one is aware of its use and its scope.
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