2019, Number 3
Rhythm of tooth eruption of different dental groups in permanent dentition according to weight and heig ht
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 210-224
PDF size: 502.38 Kb.
Introduction: dental eruption is a biological phenomenon related to the growth and development of the child, which generally presents a constant sequence.Objective: to characterize the rhythm of tooth eruption of different d ental groups in permanent dentition according to weight and height.
Methods: an epidemiological, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study was conducted in children belonging to Vietnam Heroico School, in Santa Clara, from March 2016 to February 2017 . The universe of study was 506 children, of both genders, between 5 and 13 years of age, with a final sample of 142 individuals.
Results: weighted mean values of the monthly rhythm of tooth eruption were obtained for each dental group; which were related to the weight/age, height/age and weight/height percentiles. There was a slower rhythm of dental eruption in children with short stature, thin and malnourished, as well as in the obese ones. Those with tall or excessive stature, or overweight, had a faster rhythm of dental eruption.
Conclusions: we concluded that the rhythm of dental eruption was mainly related to weight and height variables according to age.
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