2019, Number 2
Family health in a doctor’s office of the North University Polyclinic of Ciego de Ávila
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 422.42 Kb.
Introduction: health is determined by the effective functioning of the family as a biosocial unit.Objective: to characterize the family health in the doctor´s office 11 of the North University Polyclinic of Ciego de Ávila.
Method: in the year 2017 a descriptive cross-sectional observational study was carried out on 393 families. The analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive methods, observation techniques, individual and family interviews, surveys, family health history and family functioning perception questionnaire were applied.
Results: the age group of 60 years and over prevailed (39,53 %), the incomplete nuclear families (57,00 %), without overcrowding in their home (55,98 %), the workers (73,50 %), the labor-risk-free employment (88,93 %), job satisfaction (73,08 %), being fairly satisfied with economic income (54,96 %), housing in good condition (60,05 %) and satisfaction with domestic equipment (74,05 %). Only a small part of the families was functional (15,01 %). There was variability of criteria when investigating the categories of operation. Regarding family health, families with health problems prevailed (60,81 %) and the health impact on at least one of its members (96,95 %).
Conclusions: the majority of the families were incomplete nuclear, with predominance of older adults. The socioeconomic and labor variables, and the family functioning categories showed a plurality of criteria. The minority of the families was functional. When dispensed, most classified as families with health problems. Families predominated with at least one sick member.
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