2019, Number 3
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2019; 4 (3)
Salud comunitaria y EMINUS
Gutiérrez AP, Salazar ML, Saiz CGM, Perry AR, García FC, Hernández FNA
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 27-38
PDF size: 638.92 Kb.
Introduction: We analyzed the implementation of practices of the educational experiences of Community Health of the Veracruz Region School of Medicine of the Universidad Veracruzana in favor of the integration and biopsychosocial approach of the inhabitants of the community of La Huaca, from the city of Veracruz.
Material and methods: We collected information on the activity developed in forums, including the delivery of a final group work in the Eminus Educational platform, the analysis of classroom and community learning, with the participation of students and teachers of Community Health of the August 2017-January 2019 cycle.
Results: We sought to reflect the opinion of acceptance and / or rejection of students against community educational practices, as well as proposals to improve the teaching-learning-assessment process, the relationship between the socio-medical area and the environmental environment of the practices. carried out in the Barrio de la Huaca.
Discussion: The present work favors a change from the traditional teaching of medicine in which the decontextualization of the individual is emphasized, by the only biologistic approach and the fragmentation of the classic teaching-learning process in which the model atomized by disciplines is prioritized, seeking to approach to a proposal with biomedical, socio-medical and environmental characteristics.
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