2019, Number 4
Inyección de aceite en los miembros superiores con fines estéticos
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 541-551
PDF size: 197.59 Kb.
Introduction: at present, some adolescents and young people in Cuba, in their desire to quickly increase the size of their muscles, have injected themselves with oil for domestic use, which has led to serious injuries. Objective: to describe the behavior of cases of oil injection in order to increase the size of muscles at the Mártires del 9 de Abril Hospital in Sagua la Grande from September 2018 to February 2019. Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted, and patients with a history of domestic oil injection were taken as samples. A total of 19 bibliographic references were used. Results: the mean age was 23 years, 42% were adolescents, 50% belonged to the Municipality of Sagua la Grande; the biceps was the site of injection in 100% of cases, seven patients performed this practice for the first time and 50% of them injected themselves with high volumes of oil; treatment was divided into conservative and surgical. All of them developed abscesses and presented some type of sequelae. Conclusions: the injection of oil for domestic use represents a health problem among the young male population of Villa Clara Province because it causes some type of organic or functional sequelae.REFERENCES
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