2019, Number 272
Prognostic value of the GRACE, In TIME and ICR risk scores for the first 24-hour mortality in infarcted patients with ST-segment elevation
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 33-39
PDF size: 361.59 Kb.
Introduction: Acute myocardial infarction is the leading cause of death in developed countries. Risk stratification scales help to establish specific and timely prognoses in newly infarcted patients. Objective: To determine the prognostic value of mortality in the first 24 hours of hospital stay of the GRACE, InTIME and ICR scales in patients diagnosed with IMACEST. Methodological design: A retrospective cohort analytical observational study was conducted on 159 patients admitted to the Arnaldo Milián Castro Hospital with a diagnosis of IMACEST, between January of 2016 and December of 2017. The discriminatory capacity of the scales was assessed using the statistical C. For the best scale, the optimum cut-off point was determined. The efficacy indicators corresponding to a prediction model as well as the positive and negative predictive values were evaluated. Results: The three scales showed an adequate predictive capacity, with an area under the curve (C> 0.7000). The ICR scale was the one with the best predictive capacity (C = 0.984). The cut-off point for this scale stood at 19.5, above which the positive predictive value was 100%. Conclusions: The GRACE and ICR scores showed an excellent prognostic value of mortality in the first 24 hours of hospital stay in patients with IMACEST diagnosis. The In TIME score showed an acceptable prognostic value. The ICR score proved to be the one with the best predictive capacity, demonstrating its usefulness in the stratification of mortality risk in patients with IMACEST.REFERENCES
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