2019, Number 3
Spiegelian hernia. A propos of a case
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 748-755
PDF size: 1939.92 Kb.
Spiegelian hernia is a rare defect of the abdominal wall. Its diagnosis is very difficult because of its infrequency and the difficult of differentiating it from the supravesical inguinal hernia. Precisely due to its infrequence the doctors usually do not seriously evaluate the presence of this kind of hernia. It is a pathology in which, like in the rest of the abdominal wall hernias, the diagnosis is essentially clinical. The aim of this work is to report a case of a patient with an uncommon kind of hernia: a female, obese, multiparous, white patient, aged 50 years, from urban precedence, with personal pathological antecedents of relatively good health, assisted the consultation presenting pain in the right inferior region, in the place where the right flank meets the mesogastrium for several months. She was diagnosed a Spiegel’s hernia. The correspondent studies were carried out and she underwent a hernioplasty.REFERENCES
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