2019, Number 3
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Rev Méd Electrón 2019; 41 (3)
Adenomyoepithelioma of the breast. A case presentation
González OJM, López CZC, García SM, Díaz VM, Nuolla PDL, Fleites AA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 733-740
PDF size: 1757.33 Kb.
Adenomyoepithelioma is a very rare and generally benign tumor of varying histology
that can simulate other epithelial, myoepithelial and biphasic lesions of the breast.
Pathologically it is rare disorder characterized by the simultaneous proliferation of
ductal epithelium and myoepithelial cells. It is more common in salivary glands and in
skin. Rarely found in mammal tissue, it mainly affects women, aged around 50 years,
and clinically presents like a palpable mass occupying central breast quadrants. The
treatment of choice is the extensive excision of the lesion. Local recidivisms is very
frequent, and sometimes they could have malignant degeneration. The authors
present the case of a female patient, aged 13 years, who assisted the service of
Surgery of the Hospital “Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy”, municipality of Colon, province of
Matanzas with a tumor of hard consistence, of 8-10 cm diameter, in lower quadrants
and retro alveolar region of the right mamma. The sonographic study informed the
presence of a hypoechoic, oval image. The lesion was excised. The pathological and
immunohistochemical study showed a breast adenomyoepithelioma. The patient did
not have post-surgery complications. Currently she is followed in consultation after
seven years of the surgery.
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