2019, Number 4
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RIC 2019; 98 (4)
Morbidity and mortality due to hyaline membrane disease at the 'Dr. Agostinho Neto' General Teaching Hospital, Guantanamo 2016-2018
Armas LM, Santana DM, Elías AKS, Baglán BN, de Ville CK
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 469-480
PDF size: 171.37 Kb.
Introduction: hyaline membrane disease is a health problem in the
neonatal stage.
Objective: to characterize the newborns admitted to
the neonatal intensive care unit of the General Teaching Hospital “Dr.
Agostinho Neto” due to hyaline membrane disease during the years
Method: an observational, descriptive, prospective and
longitudinal study of 163 newborns who entered the unit was made.
Results: 16.4% of the infants admitted to this unit had this disease and
the lethality was 11.0%. The largest proportion of these were male
(55.8%), were between 31.0 and 33.6 weeks of gestational age at birth
(28.2%), weighed between 1500.9 and 1999.9 g (27.0 %), had an
Apgar after 5 minutes of birth between 8 and 10 points (58.9%) and
were in the unit for 7 to 14 days (40.4%). 93.3% were treated with
pulmonary maturation inducing drugs and 100.0% with surfactant and
conventional mechanical ventilation (100.0%). 84.7% presented
complications and 55.6% died from intracranial hemorrhage (55.6%). It
was common for mothers to be between 19 and 35 years old (76.6%),
to be ceased (65.0%) and had pregnancy-related complications
Conclusion: lethality was higher as the gestational age and
birth weight decreased, in those who were not treated with pulmonary
maturation inducing drugs and who presented meningoencephalitis.
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