2019, Number 2
Professional Burnout Syndrome in doctors of the Pediatric Teaching Hospital of Cerro
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 336-345
PDF size: 680.89 Kb.
Introduction: Professional Burnout Syndrome is a response to chronic work stress, which results from the failure of the strategies to treat these situations.Objective: To determine the frequency of Professional Burnout Syndrome and the behaviour of its three components in the doctors of the Pediatric Teaching Hospital of Cerro.
Material and method: A descriptive, crosssectional study was carried out in a sample of 45 doctors from a universe of 65 professionals who worked during the month of March 2018. Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBIGS) was used. They were classified as presenting Professional Burnout Syndrome when the three sections had very high figures. The individuals that demonstrated to have low degrees were classified as not prone to the syndrome; those that reached an average degree in some dimension were considered moderately prone; the ones that showed a high degree as well as other groups with average and low degrees were assessed as highly prone to presenting the aforementioned syndrome. Simple proportions and central tendency measures were used for the analysis.
Results: A 100% of answers were obtained; 6.7% of those evaluated presented Professional Burnout Syndrome; 31.1% were evaluated as not prone. The rest of the population showed to be moderately prone (26.6%) and a 35.5% was considered highly prone.
Conclusions: It is important to take into account and evaluate the existence of this syndrome which, although it demonstrates to have a low frequency, it shows a great potential danger of developing the syndrome in more than half of the population studied.
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