2019, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2019; 61 (5)
Sargassum enters the scene
León C
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 701-703
PDF size: 180.08 Kb.
This work is written as a brief reflection that reviews the
evolution of the biological phenomenon associated with the
appearance of large masses of floating brown algae called
sargassum, explores the social responses as well, perception
in the media and in the tourism sector they derive as an
impact of these upheavals. The entire Caribbean, and the area
of Quintana Roo in Mexico, have experienced this kind of
plant invasion, like a plague whose causes are unclear, but its
effects on the beaches have caused a discredit to the landscape
and therefore a discouragement to the bathers and visitors
of those crystalline waters. The text presents public policy
arguments and explains the causes associated with impacts
of human activities that have directly or indirectly influenced
this phenomenon to be a novelty and possibly a constant
presence since 2011.
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