2019, Number 2
Methodological Training in the organization of workshops for Bachelors of Health Technology
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 323-335
PDF size: 627.45 Kb.
Introduction: The main purpose of the workshop is to train a professional to solve the problems and situations of the profile of the specialist; therefore, the teacher should have an adequeate knowledge about its didactics and methodological structure in order to guide the teaching-learning process correctly.Objective: To evaluate the training in the organization of workshops for Bachelors of Health Technology.
Material and Methods: An exploratory study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing and Health Technology of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara during the first semester of 2018. The sample consisted of 17 lecturers and the variables of the study were: level of identification of the elements that form the basis of the workshop, level of knowledge about the steps of its methodological structure, and identification of aspects and assessment for its development. The following methods were used: theoretical methods such as analysis/synthesis and induction/deduction; empirical ones: documentary analysis, questionnaire and observation guide; and statistical methods: analysis for absolute and relative frequencies.
Results: Some difficulties were found in the identification of the elements that characterize the workshop and the aspects to consider for its development, as well as the level of knowledge about the steps that should be taken into account in its methodological structure.
Conclusions: There is an insufficient training of teachers about the adequate methodology for the development of a workshop in the specific area of Health Technology.
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