2019, Number 2
Risk factors for breast cancer in a Doctor's Office of the primary health care
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 308-322
PDF size: 585.65 Kb.
Introduction: The incidence of oncological illnesses has increased considerably all over the world and breast cancer is not the exception.Objective: To identify the risk factors of breast cancer in women treated in Doctor's Office number 9 of "Aleida Fernández" Teaching Polyclinic, La Lisa Municipality, from January to June, 2016.
Material and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted. The universe of study was composed of 296 women aged 18 years or over, belonging to the population health area surveyed during the study period. Anthropometric measurements of weight and height were first made to every woman and then a questionnaire was applied. Distribution of frequencies, percentage calculations, and Chisquare test were carried out to determine the association between risk factors and the presence of breast cancer.
Results: A 29,4% of women aged 60 years or over; 42,9% of them reported smoking as a toxic habit; 74,7% were under 30 years of age at the time of the first childbirth; and 55,4% of them breastfed for at least 6 months or didn´t do it.
Conclusions: It was demonstrated that postmenopausal obesity, no breastfeeding or doing it for less than 6 months, menarche before the age of 12 years, first births in individual ages after 30 years, and nulliparity were the risk factors for breast cancer that predominated in the population studied. A statistically significant relationship was observed between breast cancer and the aforementioned risk factors.
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