2019, Number 3
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2019; 18 (3)
Bebida adicionada con Brosimum Alicastrum SW.: una alternativa para requerimientos dietarios especiales
Martínez-Ruiz NR, Torres LEJ, del Hierro-Ochoa JC, Larqué-Saavedra A
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 536.03 Kb.
Introduction: Brosimum alicastrum Sw. (ramón) is a tree from Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, whose seed is currently
underutilized, despite being an important food by pre-Hispanic civilizations such as the Mayans. Ramón seed has interesting
properties due to its macro and micronutrients.
Objective: to formulate and elaborate a nutritive beverage added with ramón
seed flour for special feeding regimes.
Material and method: A beverage was designed and formulated, which was analyzed
in in physicochemical properties (AOAC), innocuity (direct plate count), sensory acceptance (9-point hedonic scale) and
glycemic response (glucose tolerance curve).
Results: A beverage cappuccino-coffee flavor, was obtained, with a protein
content of 6.8 g, 2 g dietary fiber and low-fat intake (0.2 g), in a portion of 281 ml. The product was accepted by the consumer
(75%) and its intake did not alter the glycemic response in young individuals.
Conclusions: A ramón beverage was obtained. It
was sensorially accepted provides protein, dietary fiber, is gluten-free, lactose-free and caffeine-free. The beverage was
sensorially accepted and its consumption showed a normoglycemic response, so ramón beverage represents an alternative
for the diet of young adults with lactose, gluten and / or caffeine intolerance.
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